Pentair 520543 EasyTouch System With IntelliChlor and IntelliChlor Cell (includes SCG integration & IC40 cell, 2 actuators). Trade Grade.

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SKU: 520543
Length: Width: Height:
Regular price $2,799.00
Regular price Sale $2,899.00 Sale price $2,799.00

The EasyTouch Control System eliminates the inconvenience of trips to your pool equipment pad, memorizing operating sequences, opening and closing valves and resetting time clocks and thermostats. With push-button operation and clear, intuitive instructions and displays, your EasyTouch system includes all circuitry and fully programmable controls in a single Load Center installed near your pool or spa equipment. This avoids expensive wiring and installation costs to make an EasyTouch system affordable for any budget.

  • Available in Four-Function or Eight-Function Systems
  • Supports variable speed or variable flow pumps, pool lighting, landscape lighting, waterfalls, fountains, heaters and more
  • Include 150-amp breaker base with space for 10 1-in. breakers
  • Pairs with ScreenLogic2® Interface to allow control from mobile digital devices, computers and select smart speaker devices
  • Built-in diagnostics for troubleshooting and repair purposes
  • UL and cUL approved
  • Dimensions: 26 in. H x 17 in. W x 5.25 in. D
  • Available only in store from Pentair dealers or retail stores