Pentair 356288S Motor & Drive Assembly for Pentair SuperFlo VS/VST(342002) And Pentair WhisperFlo VST(011533) after Oct 2020.

In stock
SKU: 356288S
Length: 16 in Width: 16 in Height: 16 in
Regular price $950.00
Regular price Sale $999.00 Sale price $950.00

Pentair 356288s is the Motor and Drive Assembly for SuperFlo VS/VST(342002) Nad WhisperFlo VST(011533)  Pumps manufactured AFTER OCTOBER 2020. This Motor and Drive Assembly is also for SuperMax VS Pumps manufactured AFTER OCTOBER 2020.

Pentair 356288 includes the following:

  1. 356282S -- Drive Kit (Almond)
  2. 356286S -- Motor TEFC (Almond)