Pentair 348190. 1.1HP SuperFlo Pump Single Speed

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SKU: 348190
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Ultra-Quiet Performance.

The ultra-quite totally enclosed fan-cooled motor barely makes a whisper and virtually eliminates unpleasant, high-pitched noise.

Strong Performance and Staying Power, Now With DOE Compliant Options.

Pentair introduces new, single-speed NEMA Premium Efficient motor-driven SuperFlo High-Performance Pumps for pool applications. These DOE-compliant pumps offer up to 10% electricity savings, and deliver optimum hydraulic horsepower without compromising performance. 

SuperFlo pumps feature thick-walled body parts, a heavy-duty 56 square flange motor, and highly engineered hydraulics, SuperFlo pumps' silent running capability and small footprint allow it to easily drop into a compact equipment pad. 

  • Available high-quality proprietary Totally Enclosed Fan-Cooled (TEFC) motor for a long, worry-free life.

  • Enhanced design and balanced flow enable greater efficiency and reduced operating costs.

  • Improved design that stands up to demanding installations and conditions.

  • 1.5” internal slip (2” external slip) and quick-disconnect plumbing union for faster disassembly, making it a summer breeze to service.

  • Cam and Ramp Lid permits easy inspection and cleaning of the strainer basket.

  • SuperFlo pumps are a high-performing drop-in replacement for the Hayward® Super Pump.

  • Certain models meet updated DOE minimum efficiency requirements.