Hayward W3AQ-TROL-RJ AquaTrol® Return Jet Fittings, Straight Blade | Efficient Water Return Fittings

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Length: 18.3 in Width: 14 in Height: 8.5 in
Regular price $999.00

AquaTrol is the affordable salt chlorine generating solution for above ground pools that saves you time and money while conveniently keeping your pool clean and safe.

About this item

  • The Hayward AquaTrol Salt Chlorination System for above-ground pools delivers silky smooth, naturally sanitized water that won’t irritate eyes, dry out skin or cause fabrics to fade
  • User-friendly design offers quick and simple 30-minute installation
  • Integral 24-hour timer ensures easy control of the pool filtration pump and allows for multiple pump periods per day
  • Built-in microprocessor automates all system functions for hassle-free operation
  • Includes return jet fittings and a “straight blade” line cord and outlet for easy mounting of the salt cell directly to the return jet on the outside of the pool